Customer Service

Grimshaw Trucking has one goal...
“Total Customer Satisfaction.” We provide timely information on your shipments and accurate advice concerning the transportation of your freight.

Learn About Grimshaw
Schedule a Pickup
Schedule a Pickup

Whether you need to schedule a pickup or just a quote, we are ready! Tell us what you want to ship, where we're picking it up, and where to drop it off, and we'll let you know what it costs.

About Us

From our modest beginnings in 1948, we have delivered on our commitment of providing reliable transportation services to northern communities and businesses in Western Canada


Grimshaw is committed to providing employment opportunities within the communities we serve. We currently employ over 300 drivers, warehouse, mechanics and administration personnel.

Get to know us better

Employees at Grimshaw feel a sense of a small-town family connection with each other and everyone is happy to go the distance!

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Reliable Transportation Services

From our modest beginnings in 1948, we have delivered on our commitment of providing reliable transportation services to northern communities and businesses in Western Canada.

Head Office

Grimshaw Trucking
11510 - 151 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5M 3N6

Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00
Saturday - Sunday closed